View Full Version : Free Online Fishing Log

February 24th, 2007, 09:22 PM
I'm building an online fishing log site, Fish Swami, at http://onlinefishinglog.com. One of the nice features of the site is the ability to mark your fishing log entries as private, protected, or public. If the log entry is private, only you can view the fishing log and its information. If it's protected, you and your fishing partners (users you've given permission to) can view your logs. And if the log entries are public, everyone can view the log. This is a great way to control what you want to share.

One of the goals of my design was to make entering a fishing log entry as easy as possible. I only wanted the user to have to fill in data on one screen. This makes it tough because some users only want to enter in a bare minimum of data, while others prefer to record everything in great detail. My solution to handle this was a very dynamic page that shows the minimum required fields, then allows the user to expand groups of inputs to enter in more detailed information if they so desire.

While I already have a statistics section built that will allow users to see things such as: how many fish did each of my patterns catch in 2006, how many trout did I catch on X River in March 2007, and other basic queries, I'm developing an empirical data analyzer that will allow you to specify various criteria to match against the database, and then specify what data you want returned, and how to group that data. This will allow users to answer tougher statistical questions like "What pattern works best on Lake Y in early March on warm days?"

Please stop by and check the site out and leave me some feedback. I am actively working on the site and would like comments on how other users see room for improvement. Thanks!